Game Jam Days 2-3:

We forgot to make a devlog for day 2, so today is a catch-up.

Dustin: Day 2: Today was spent working on getting information entered into our game design document, and working on getting the encounter camera working as I envisioned. Then promptly forgetting to check to ensure that the implementation worked for HTML 5. Things for tomorrow.

Day 3: Today was spent working on fixing the issues with the GameMaker HTML 5 module not liking my implementation of our battle encounter and finding a workaround to make it work. Once completed I began working on getting the game to respond to itch’s iframe resizing. Additional tasks were fixing the camera’s going rogue on room change, and slight formatting of the code to make it slightly easier to read. You can now mess around with what little bit is there (No gameplay yet, just core mechanics and testing stuff for now). Just press enter on the blue screen and WASD moves the character!

Ches: I spent the 2nd and 3rd day establishing a musical direction for the game You can find the samples attached to this post.

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