Game Jam Days 7-8:

Hello again! Two days per dev-blog seems to be a good fit. So here are another two days worth of updates.

Dustin: Day 7: This day began with the difficult decision to de-scope a portion of the game that was beginning to feel as if it would just have to be thrown. These elements were on the nose with the theme, and all in all the game still covers both themes, and will be better for missing them. Along-side updating the game design doc the day consisted of setting the the remaining ground work for the overlapping of the two dimensions as they exist in the game.

Day 8: The majority of the day was spent getting the two dimensions drawing as expected thanks to an extremely dumb bug I introduced. However in the end the execution is complete. Now in game systems just need to be tied to use this system and it should just work -Hodd Toward.

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