Game Jam Days 9-10:

Another two days go by.

Day 9 was primarily spent chasing a bug I thought existed within GameMaker’s HTML 5 export, just to find I had sabotaged myself a few days prior by turning off the logs in Firefox. Note to self WebGL does not like while loops, and will cause the game to not compile the shader.

After the disaster that was day 9, day 10 felt sluggish, I am hitting the last 20% burnout. I spent most of today just getting the bounds of the world working and looking decent. Artistically I am not very skilled, so the game’s world is just taking place on a parchment map. Don’t think about it too hard or it falls apart :’). Just 4 days left in the jam, and so much left to do. But with it being a weekend, I hope to be able to focus more and get the remainder of the gameplay done.

Get Tenebrous

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